
Aims & Objective
for which the Society is established are as under:-
- To spread awareness about the colorectal cancer. It’s a curable disease if detected early. Hence people should get regular checks and especially to identify high risk patients and subject them to screening;
- To make a resource centre for information on colorectal cancer, so that clinicians and patients both can benefit from the information;
- To reach out to the society by holding camps for screenings with free tests;
- To have a save our parents programme in schools to make children aware about the disease and get the parents checked;
- To try to modify specific guidelines for the treatment of colorectal cancer which are standard and should be followed in order to get the desired results;
- To make a group of treated patients with colorectal cancer to narrate their experiences with any new patient and instill confidence in them;
- To have a regular informative newsletter relating to the information related to colorectal cancer to all the members;
- To have a dietary guidelines for patients with colorectal cancer for short and long term in the post-operative period;
- To educate about the role of diet in development of colorectal cancer and diets which may be helpful in such patients;
- To help the patients with ostomy with education and treatment;
- To promote research activities in the field;
- To initiate clinical research in the field;
- To conduct psychological counseling for patients detected with colorectal cancer;
- To promote newer techniques of surgery for colorectal cancer;
- To provide proper treatment to even those patients who cannot afford high treatment costs;
- To provide training facilities to young physicians in the field;
- To conduct research, hold seminars and conferences, organize and promote exhibitions, shows and other activities for the furtherance of the cause of colorectal cancer and circulate them for the benefits of the members and society;
- To develop our database of patients with colorectal cancer and develop our results for the treatment;
- To raise funds by means of membership fees, subscription, borrowings, accepting deposits, donations or otherwise to be utilised for meeting the objectives of the Society.